Bulk Local Administrator Password Management Tool

I manage a domain of about 70 Windows machines. About 30 are 2003 servers. The rest are XP workstations. Initially I disabled all the local built-in admins for security purposes using Group Policy, but then I ran into a trouble PC that couldn't communicate with the domain. Uh oh. What do I do now? Turns out the network card was bad, so when it was replaced, everything was fine. But since I had never logged onto that machine with a domain admin account before, there was no way for it to authenticate that I was a domain admin (no cached credentials for the domain admin account). The local admin was still disabled and there was basically no way to administer that machine. What if this happened and it wasn't the NIC? Heck if I'm going to reinstall Windows for an oversight like that!

So I re-enabled all the local admins using GPO again. I had every admin I ran into changed to the same password for a little while. But this is insecure too because what if that password is compromised? I'd have to walk around to every computer, or at least connect to every computer via Computer Management MMC, to reset the passwords. Ugh! Not fun.

So I looked around for a tool to automate this. The only solutions I could find involved writing startup scripts and implementing it through a GPO. This is bad for several reasons. (1) The new password is stored in plain text and transmitted in plain text over the network (or, at best, obfiscated somewhat, but not truly encrypted). (2) Startup scripts cannot be guaranteed to run. If the machine connects with a wireless card, the pre-logon state where startup scripts run may not have an active connection in time for it to run. This means that the script never executes, but the event log kindly tells you it didn't execute. Also, some people never reboot their machines. That's fine normally, but if you rely on a startup script and a mandatory reboot from Windows Update, this isn't a good solution.

So I created XS BAP. XS because that's the name of the company I work for and they signed my paycheck while I designed this happy tool. BAP is for Bulk Admin Password tool. This tool is currently freeware and is provided with no warranty. This tool is not open source, so don't ask for the source code. The licensing agreement on subsequent versions of this tool may change without notice.

XS BAP allows you to import or manually enter each computer you want to manage on your domain. You can then specify the administrative password you want to use, or use the random password feature and get a unique random complex password for every machine. You can then update all machines at once, or only selected machines. After updating the password, you can verify that the password works using the verification feature.

XS BAP requires the .Net Framework 1.1. XS BAP works by resetting the Administrator password to whatever you specify, so you do not need to know the old password of the adminsitrator ("reset password" method, as opposed to "change password" method). However, you do need to have local administrative access on every target machine. In a default Windows domain, Domain Admins have the appropriate level of access, so run this tool as a domain admin. I do not know how well this application scales, but I have used it on every machine in my domain at once. If you use it on a very large domain (hundreds or thousands of computers), let me know how it works! It will probably be slow, but hey... Slow and unattended is better than nothing!

You can save the data in an AES encrypted file (encrypted by supplying a password). This way when you need the password of that workstation you've never looked at before, just open the file and there it is! For additional security, I highly recommend also implementing EFS (NTFS's Encryption) on the saved password files. After all, compromise of the saved file will give an attacker the local passwords of every machine! Since the password file is symmetrically encrypted with a password, a brute force attack could theoretically, eventually, lead to a decrypted file. The encryption will certainly buy you time to change the passwords, should you ever discover that the password file was obtained by unauthorized personnel. But it is not hack-proof!

The interface "feels" like Microsoft Access since it uses the DataGrid control interface. The help file sucks, but well.. I'm a developer, not a tech writer. Maybe I'll add to it later! Hopefully it will be somewhat self-explanatory. If you have a question, post it to the blog here.

Known limitations: (1) If you import multiple domain controllers and modify the same account on each of them with a different password, the LAST password that was successfully "updated" is the current password. There is no feature to let you know if you are updating a local workstation/server SAM database or Active Directory through a domain controller. As a general rule, don't update domain controllers to save yourself hassle. (2) The verification process attempts to change the password to the same value to make sure the password works. This seems like a weird way to do it, but all the other logon methods I could find did not allow you authenticate to a remote machine's SAM in .Net. If somebody knows of a better way, let me know. Anyway, since local administrators are exempt from certain password policies (such as minimum age), this method should always work. However, I make no guarantees that the verification process will not say "Failed" but then work when you try it manually on the target machine. On the flip-side, though, if it says "Correct" it definitely works.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, reply to this post!

Here is the link to the file:


At the time of this posting, there is only one version (1.0), and I will post to here when newer versions are released. I will probably keep a little bit of a history on the download server, but may not keep all the versions online. Haven't decided yet.

Let me know if you find this tool useful!