  • cmbowe01
  • 52.4% (Neutral)
  • Nestling Topic Starter
First, I just found this packages and love it after just a few minutes of use. Now my question, is it possible to mirror mouse and keyboard commands among multiple tabs. I have uniform lab environments that I occasionally need to tweak after imaging. It would be nice to log in to a group of systems and only have to go through one set of mouse clicks and command typing.
  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Flock Leader
Thanks for hte compliments! Unfortunately, there is no option for UI mirroring between tabs. Actually, I'm not entirely sure how I could implement that, but that is definitely an interesting request I'll think about for the future.
  • cmbowe01
  • 52.4% (Neutral)
  • Nestling Topic Starter
Thanks again for the great work and considering adding this feature.
  • cmbowe01
  • 52.4% (Neutral)
  • Nestling Topic Starter
Something you may not hear everyday, your software may have actually saved a life. I'll keep the story brief, I was distracted driving home from work while thinking about how you might implement this request. Since I wasn't paying attention I accidentally stopped at a green light. Seconds later a car ran the red light. No telling what might have happened but I prefer to think of it as an unintended software feature and a blessing.
  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Flock Leader
You are right -- that is not something I hear every day! Wow. That's a pretty peculiar coincidence, but I'm glad it happened!
I was thinking about the same feature, it would be awesome to be able to control multiple tabs with the same mouse/keyboard. I'm wondering how to code this: maybe we could use some kind of tcp traffic capturing for one host and then replay the captured packets for others sessions. What do you think? Another way would be to "emulate" as many mouse pointer as tabs and then move those pointer into all tabs synchronously, but it would need to have all the RDP tabs on the same screen.
What do you think?
Thanks for replay and for the great tool.
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