  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
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RD Tabs "RC1" is version 2.0.6. There's already a bug I need to fix, but if it's the only one, 2.0.7 might be RTW. Otherwise expect another RC/Beta...

Those already running a 2.0.x version will already have had the automatic update notify them. Others can use the link below...


Starting with version 2.0.7, the optional "tray icon" will start showing a notification balloon if auto-update catches a new version. Don't know why I didn't think of that sooner. :-)

Have a great weekend! And don't be shy: keep the suggestions coming! Especially if I forgot a good one for 2.0... Check out the road map in a previous post to see the current future schedule of RD Tabs.
  • Marc
  • 68.6% (Friendly)
  • Flock Member
When switching to thumbnail connector by pressing syskey + f9, I think the current tab thumbnail should be preselected. Or at least the upper left thumbnail. right now none is selected and you even have to press to the right once to select the upper left thumbnail.

edit: I also just found anothor minor bug: If RDTabs is a maximized window: When pressing syskey + f11, it switches into fullscreen mode. Because the clientarea grows, there appear grey borders at the top and the bottom of the connected desktop. That's fine. When pressing syskey + f11 again, the clientarea shrinks again, but the border don't disappear. Instead, the clientare is shifted a bit downwards and the border aboce is still visible and the bottom of the clientarea is cut off.
  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Flock Leader Topic Starter
Marc wrote:

When switching to thumbnail connector by pressing syskey + f9, I think the current tab thumbnail should be preselected. Or at least the upper left thumbnail. right now none is selected and you even have to press to the right once to select the upper left thumbnail.

Yes, that is by design, actually. The thumbnail view is in the same order (alphabetical) as the "Tabs" menu. There is no default keyboard focus (again by design). Due to your suggestions, I may make this all user configurable! Making it an option isn't hard, so expect to see it be configurable in a (soon) future version. Thanks for the suggestion.

Marc wrote:

edit: I also just found anothor minor bug: If RDTabs is a maximized window: When pressing syskey + f11, it switches into fullscreen mode. Because the clientarea grows, there appear grey borders at the top and the bottom of the connected desktop. That's fine. When pressing syskey + f11 again, the clientarea shrinks again, but the border don't disappear. Instead, the clientare is shifted a bit downwards and the border aboce is still visible and the bottom of the clientarea is cut off.

Good bug catch! Not sure why it's doing that but I will look into it.
  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
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Marc wrote:

When switching to thumbnail connector by pressing syskey + f9, I think the current tab thumbnail should be preselected. Or at least the upper left thumbnail. right now none is selected and you even have to press to the right once to select the upper left thumbnail.

The afforementioned feature addressing this request will be available in version 2.0.7 (RC2)*. Thanks for your diligent testing and great suggestions, Marc! Keep it up!

(*unlike Microsoft and many other software vendors, I happily add features during RC stage. lol... what a tight ship I run here...) 😉
  • Marc
  • 68.6% (Friendly)
  • Flock Member
Ok here is the next one hehe :)

I maintain a few systems that take some time to connect to. So what I usually do is to start rdtabs, the select a favorite, then add a new tab, select a favorite, then add a new tab and select another favorite etc. At some point, one of them actually gets conencted and the login screen of that host appears + RDTabs steals the focus of the currently selected tab and switches to that tab. I'm not exactly sure if there are other events that make RDTabs switch the sleected tab for you, but this one I can reproduce. Thinking for a few seconds about it, I would say that tabs should never change focus without me invoking it. I didn't think that much about it, at least it should switch to a successfull connected tab I think.

Thanks for sending all your time on this. It's a really usefull tool I'm running nearly all the time. 🙂
  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
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I'm aware of the focus issue, but it got back-burnered and I honestly forgot about it until now! I think now that I redesigned the tab behavior it might be something I can set to be user configurable. I'll look into it for 2.0.7 or 2.0.8. I'm pretty sure I can change this behavior without breaking something else. One reason it steals focus is to display warning boxes (I can't make the warning boxes non-modal and embedded like the connection errors - I wish I could, but that's buried into the Microsoft RD library. Anyway, I think (if I recall correctly) that the event capturing I do now distinguishes between the different reasons you would steal focus, so I should be able to create an option to NOT steal focus when a connection completes. I steal focus for the warning dialog boxes so that you can clearly see which connection invoked it. So I think that focus stealing for that feature will stay as it is.

Thanks for pointing it out, Marc!
  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Flock Leader Topic Starter
Marc - There will now be a setting under the Connections tab in Options (coming in 2.0.7) which lets you enable or disable "stealing focus." It was a lot easier to implement than I thought! It will be, by default, set to NOT steal focus. You are right it's more user-friendly that way. 2.0.7 should be out sometime later today. Also, the help file will be partially updated in 2.0.7. It won't be perfect, but it should explain a few of the new features in greater detail.
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