  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Flock Leader Topic Starter
RD Tabs 2.0.9 (the first patch version after the RTW release) fixes a few minor bugs and adds more diagnostic information to track down bigger bugs as they happen!

The automatic updater should have the patch ready for download already and the website will have a link on the RD Tabs page later tonight.

The download: http://www.avianwaves.com/tech/tools/rdtabs/rdtabs_2.0.9.msi 

The changelog follows...

- Based on error reports I'm receiving, there's some obscure circumstance where RD Tabs will crash while loading due to some undefined object (the report is unclear). I added breadcrumbs to the loading process to help guide me to a solution when this happens again! I apologize for the inconvenience.
- Fixed a bug where after using screen capture functions (such as the remote desktop screen capture or the connection thumbnail viewer) you will see rogue entries in your "alt+tab" task list (ONLY this task list). The entries will say "BitBltStagingForm." RD Tabs using a special "invisible" form to screen capture an unobstructed view of remote desktops. I wasn't closing the forms after opening them! OOPS! Sorry about that. I also changed the name of the form and gave it the RD Tabs icon so that if it appears again it's VERY OBVIOUS which application is doing it! :-)
- Fixed the very rare, but very annoying, null reference exception that occurs sometimes when the framework attempts to hide the splash screen (even if you have the splash screen disabled). If it still happens after this, by all means, SEND THE ERROR REPORTS!
- Fixed a few typograchical error in some text strings.
- Fixed a bug where the "screen capture" item in the status bar's pulldown menu did not actually do anything. I forgot to implement it. Oops! :-)
- Change in behavior: On some buttons, you previously could right-click on them and they would activate just like they were left-clicked. This does not conform to standard Windows usability guidelines, so now only the left-button response works. In the future, the right mouse button may provide some context menu handling on some of the buttons, which is allowed. The affected buttons include the full screen mode buttons, and the shortcut buttons for "save to favorites," "disconnect," and so on in the status bar of each tab.
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