This may be asking too much, but I thought it would be cool if you could somehow integrate or link favorites using AD. I say because I have around 200 servers that I would have to add manually and thinking ahead I can see it being sort of a pain to rename / remove servers in favorites to match those renamed or removed from AD.

I connect to more than one domain (test domain at home) at different times so this may need to be considered as well.
  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Flock Leader
Active Directory and NetBIOS discovery will be included in the upcoming Docked Connection Manager. I'll probably add a right-click "save to favorites" option which I think will cover much of your request! I could probably come up with some sort of favorites syncing option but I'll have to think about that to see if there's a clean and useful way to do that. Thanks for the suggestion!
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