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RD Tabs Suggestions - Post suggestions about what to change or add in future versions of RD Tabs

New Posts CTRL + ALT + END send keys support1633
CTRL + ALT + END send keys support

New Posts Supports Dual Monitors1547
One tab working Dual Monitors

New Posts Dark mode +11645

New Posts Auto Save Tab connection changes0690
Prompt to save any changes to a Tab upon connection.
Last Post:

New Posts Auto connect0649
Automatically connect to certain favorites
Last Post:

New Posts System Key Shortcut to switch RDTabs Windows0966
System Key Shortcut to switch RDTabs Windows

New Posts Credential Management for login0766
Credential Management for login

New Posts scroll with the mouse wheel in favorites1849
scroll with the mouse wheel in favorites

New Posts Other OS installs? +131,076
Just throwing out a suggestion
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