I'm a skeptic at heart. A long time ago, while researching (aka googling) cold reading, I stumbled upon a wonderful site dedicated to debunking Sylvia Browne. In case you don't know, Sylvia Browne is a "psychic" who is most popular for cheap Vegas acts and "communicating" with random people's dead relatives on Montel Williams' old show. She is an awful human being who preys upon vulnerable people.
The owner of the StopSylvia site, Robert Lancaster, had a stroke recently. In the chaos that ensued afterwards to save his life and begin rehabilitation, he failed to renew his original domain name and a cybersquatter snatched it up (GRR!). That is the primary reason I am posting this article. I want to get the word out about his new site with a slightly different domain name (click on any link in this post)! It's a great resource with a ton of very useful information on how Sylvia cons people into spending money so that she can tell them what they want to hear, all the way pretending to communicate with lost loved ones. She is a despicable human being. I'm very glad we have people like Robert Lancaster on our side.
The good news is that Robert is on the road to recovery and will someday soon be able to continue his fight against con artists like Sylvia.