  • ng
  • 51.8% (Neutral)
  • Nestling Topic Starter
G'Day Guys

My 1st time here so I'm a newbie

Only been using RD Tabs for a few weeks, but been using RDP since it was invented, finally got so sick of logging into sessions each time I woke up my Win X laptop

I was wondering if you could allow me to add meta data to each favorite ( see below )

Server name: Prd-ESX-Dell-R210-01-VM1/Srv/Domain/Country

Fully qualified Internet host name: R210-01-VM1-W16.local

Cluster name: Web-GDC-SAS


Then you could have template .HTML .CSS .JS etc. and create asset reports with a data structure defined in an .xml

I have more than 40 years experience with C , Basic , Cobol , ADA , etc. etc. etc. so I could provide a more detailed design if the helps -:)

Would be happy to provide pseudo code, do you use mind mapping ?



BTW When I do a forum search for 'asset' I get an error

I live in SA down under
Soft. Eng. with 40+ year exp.
Been using RDP since it was invented
'21 new to TABS 🙂
  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Flock Leader
That's an interesting idea. For now you can use the Notes field for anything you like, but having user-defined metadata that's otherwise not generally visible is also good on its own.
  • ng
  • 51.8% (Neutral)
  • Nestling Topic Starter
G'Day Timothy
Thanks for the reply, yes I have entered this type of information into the notes already, plus obviously you already have an IP field, hostname etc. but no fields for virtualised or clustered server values etc. :(
Plus I have a strange IP LAN setup were I create a ESX server with IP and any server VMs are so doing some strange sXXt !!!
I have been deving apps. for more than 40 years and for the last 20 I have always allowed my forms to have user defined field literals. Just my 2c worth.
BTW I would be happy to pay for a "Pro" version that allowed me to document and report on my "assets"
I live in SA down under
Soft. Eng. with 40+ year exp.
Been using RDP since it was invented
'21 new to TABS 🙂
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