  • c0ut
  • 61.4% (Friendly)
  • Fledgling Topic Starter
I have a problem scrolling back and forth on the tabs bar when I have too many RD sessions to fit on the tab bar. Instead of using a scroll bar to move back and forth on the tab bar, could you use a drop-down menu to display a list of the sessions that are bumped off the bar? Take a look at IE7 and Firefox, open up like 10-15 tabs in one of them and you can see an example of the drop-down list I'm talking about. The problem I have is scrolling back and forth is too slow, I'd rather just have a menu to click on the RD session that I want. Thanks!

..stop laughing computers are cool now..
  • Timothy
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Flock Leader
If you click on the Tabs menu in the menu bar, that is exactly what you want. Further, in future versions of RD Tabs, there will be a drop-down just as you described directly in the tab title bar that will only contain the tabs in each tab pane. Additionally, you can use the mouse's scroll wheel to move the tab list left and right. I'm going to update the Road Map to include these features. I've thought of them before, but just never written them down. 🙂 Thanks for the great suggestions!
  • c0ut
  • 61.4% (Friendly)
  • Fledgling Topic Starter
Cool, the mouse wheel helped out a lot! At my job I'm connected to between 10 and 30 servers at a time..makes it much easier.

I look forward to seeing the newer features hopefully I'll have more to contribute as I get to know the application better.

Thanks for all your hard work this is really a great thing you've done with RD!
..stop laughing computers are cool now..
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